Volunteer Form

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The mission of Oliver Creek is to be a church where people are transformed into the image of Jesus Christ, and we believe every member has a role. We see transformation in three steps:       1) Glorify God, 2) Love One Another, and 3) Bless the World. Each step is tied to a weekly ministry as well as many more opportunities to serve. Please complete the form below and submit it as soon as you can so we can help find your place in this mission.

Volunteer Areas to Glorify God

The first step in our mission is to glorify God (Romans 12:1-2). In this section, our involvement opportunities fall into two broad areas: in worship gatherings and in all of life.
Please select all that apply.
Worship Service Roles for Men Only: (cf. 1 Cor. 14:33-35; 1 Tim. 2:8-15)
Please select all that apply.
Volunteer Roles for Men & Women:
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Volunteer Areas to Love One Another

The second step in our mission is to love one another (Romans 12:3-13). In this section, we will ask how you can serve the family of Oliver Creek in our Bible classes and in other ministries.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Volunteer Areas to Bless the World

The third step in our mission is to bless the world (Romans 12:13-13:10). In this section, we will explore how you can get involved in our minitries that reach out to the world with gospel words and deeds.
What are Bless Groups? They are OC's small groups that are focused on growing deeper in our relationships with one another and deeper in service to our community. They consist of meeting once a month with the members of your group at someone's house for a meal, worship, and fellowship. They also consist of meeting a second time every month for a service project in the Memphis area like serving a meal at HopeWorks, visiting shut-ins, or encouraging Memphis first responders. Bless Groups are the primary way Oliver Creek participates in God's mission to bless the world.
Would like to participate in a Bless Group? Fill out the registration form here: https://olivercreek.breezechms.com/form/c8411983


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