Get Connected!
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The following are ways you can get connected with the ministries we offer at Oliver Creek.
Adult Formation Courses
We call our adult ministry formation Rooted: Sunday and Wednesday courses designed to meet you where you are and help you grow in your discipleship. Which level(s) would you be interested in?
Please select all that apply.
OC 101 (Oliver Creek's values and involvement)
Christianity 101 (basics of Christian faith and following Jesus)
Rooted 201 (8 required courses and numerous elective courses to grow in discipleship)
Rooted 301 (advanced courses covering special topics for discipleship)
Additional Ministries
Which of these would you like to learn more about or get connected with?
Please select all that apply.
Recovery Coalition (support for recovering from destructive thoughts or lifestyles)
International Missions
Sewing Ministry (Join with several volunteers to sew gifts for those who are struggling with sickness or discouragement as well as for those who are celebrating exciting moments like anniversaries or graduations.)
Seasonal Events (With the help of volunteers, Oliver Creek hosts annual events like an easter egg hunt, Trunk or Treat, or Breakfast with Santa both for our family as well as the community.)
Visitation (Meet with other members the first Tuesday of every month to put together gift baskets, drop them off at the homes of shut-ins and the sick, and visit with them when available.)
Faith Encourager (Commit to sharing a lunch and encouraging a student once a week at Hope Works, an organization working to educate and equip those currently or recently incarcerated.)
Life Blood Donations (Life Blood buses come to Oliver Creek every other month.)
Paragould Children's Home (Drop off donations of food and clothing to be sent to once a quarter to Paragould Children’s Home, dedicated to housing and caring for kids without guardians.)
Worship at Hearthside (Join a worship service of Oliver Creek volunteers the third Sunday of every month at 4:15pm to encourage the residents of the assisted living facility in Bartlett, Hearthside.)
Creek Kids (children's ministry)
Student Ministry (7th-12th grade)
Young Adult Ministry (young professionals)
Golden Rays Ministry (65+)
Bless Groups (outreach ministry)
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